YWCA Columbus

Program Descriptions

YWCA Family Center: The YWCA Family Center provides emergency shelter and critical services to stabilize homeless families in central Ohio. A national model, more than 64% of our families find housing within 20 days of entering the program.

Women Residency: Since 1886, we have provided affordable housing for women in transition. Today, the historic Griswold Building in downtown Columbus is home to more than 100 low-income women at any given time—many who are beginning their first jobs; recovering from drug-related, alcohol-related, and mental illnesses; or pursuing their education.

Racial Justice: It’s a fact: Racism still exists. And for as long as it exists, we’ll be helping our community understand, challenge, and eliminate it. We foster opportunities to engage in open dialogue about race, racism, and race relations—giving groups and individuals the training and support they need to address these topics in their lives and communities. Also, we communicate the needs of those we serve with elected officials and suggest better ways to change laws in areas like policing, education, housing, and healthcare. 

YWCA Kids Place: The YWCA Kids Place offers affordable, dependable, and high-quality childcare during the school year for families in Gahanna, New Albany, and Westerville school districts. We’ve been empowering women and families for more than 20 years.

Bright Futures: Bright Futures is a leadership and empowerment program based on social justice concepts for middle school-aged girls that encourage participants to critically assess the institutional racism and sexism that impact their lives.

Leadership for Social Change: Leadership for Social Change empowers young professional women to understand how discriminatory practices and policies produce systemic inequity and develop leadership skills to advance social change.