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Buckeye Military Moms



What region or area do you provide services in?

Central Ohio

How and when did the organization get started?

Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. was founded in 1942 in order to fill needs resulting from WWII. Buckeye Military Moms, our chapter, was founded in February 2007 in Worthington, OH by a group of moms who had children serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

How many employees does your organization have?


How many volunteers does your organization use? (click the “Service Projects” tab to learn more)

Our members are volunteers (average 40 per year) as are our associate members (average 8 per year). In non-Covid times, we invite the community in to help us pack “We Care” Packages – using over 100 volunteers across our events. We also rely on the community to sponsor packing events to gather supplies for the “We Care” boxes.

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