Be Our Guest at Inspire Us
YOU can be the voice that empowers the next generation of compassionate LEADERS!
Join See Kids Dream for dinner, dessert and inspiration!
Meet young leaders who are making our world a better place and be inspired to do the same!
Dinner includes a salad, main course, dessert & beverage (coffee, tea, water).
Fountain & alcoholic beverages are available to purchase with cash or credit card.
Attire is business casual to casual.
Questions? Contact Brenda Buchy at
Purchase Tickets/Tables
See below to learn more about sponsorship levels:
Sponsorship Levels
Individual Student Sponsorship Includes:
Monthly Newsletter
Individual ticket for Inspire Us
Invitation to interview the students at the Leaders of Tomorrow Showcase in May
Encourage a School Sponsorship Includes:
Monthly Newsletter
Table for 8 at Inspire Us
Invitation to interview the students at the Leaders of Tomorrow Showcase in May
Inspire a School Sponsorship Includes:
Monthly Newsletter
Invitation to program events at a school
Table for 8 at Inspire Us
Invitation to interview the students at the Leaders of Tomorrow Showcase in May
Adopt a School Sponsorship Includes:
Monthly Newsletter
Quarterly Update about you school
Social Media acknowledgement
Invitation to program events at a school
Table for 8 at Inspire Us
Recognition at Inspire Us
Invitation to interview the students from your school the Leaders of Tomorrow Showcase in May
Event Sponsorship:
Contact Brenda Buchy if you want to learn more about sponsoring this event or other events for See Kids Dream!