Our Impact

Our programs make an impact upon kids and the community, today and tomorrow!

Youth Outcomes

Who’s impacted?  

  • 10,000 Youth participate in one of our service- learning programs each year
  • Programs serve youth ages 6-14
  • Over 60% of See Kids Dream’s programming empowers under-served youth from across central Ohio, ensuring they have the opportunity to learn the skills of community-building and leadership.


Skills for Success

We collect year-end data from educators on the effectiveness of our school programs to teach the skills of leadership and community engagement. Below is a 3-year summary of the percent of educators who agree that students demonstrated evidence of the following targeted outcomes


Academic Engagement:

  • Increased engagement and participation in school work related to service-learning: 91%
  • Positive changes in student behavior: 95%

21st Century Skills and Leadership Development:

  • Improved speaking and listening skills: 92%
  • Stronger research and observation skills: 98%
  • Improved critical thinking and problem-solving skills: 95%
  • Increased likelihood of taking on other leadership roles: 91%

Future Civic Engagement

  • Increased empathy for the needs of others: 97%
  • Increased belief that they can make a difference: 98%
  • Enhanced awareness that they can do more working together, than by themselves: 96%
  • Likelihood of being involved in community or civic activities again: 93%

Community Outcomes

Hours of Youth Service: $168,672

Student leaders in our school-based programs meet once a week, through most of the school year, and many give up recess to work on their project, determining the greatest community need, learning the best ways to support, and developing and enacting a plan to help! If you valued these volunteer hours of time in dollars, this is over $3 million* in contribution to our community.


ACTUAL Dollars Donated to Local Community Organizations: $425,443

Through spare change… yes, pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters… youth have supported more than 150 nonprofit organizations throughout central Ohio to address real needs.




*According to the Independent Sector’s value of volunteer time at $25.43 per hour. https://independentsector.org/resource/value-of-volunteer-time/